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The last first tooth of our family was lost today. It makes me feel a little sentimental knowing the last "firsts" are beginning to happen. He was so excited to have his tooth pop out while brushing his teeth before school. Funny enough he had a dentist appointment scheduled for today and all the rest of his teeth are in great condition. Love his little goofy grin, crazy hair and especially the little hole that appears when he smiles. #infinity_dental_kimberly

This puppy dog has a serious need to chew...I guess technically she isn't a puppy since she will be 2 in March, but she sure chews like she is one. Glad Santa brought her a new chew toy.

Welcome 2020! Can you believe it's a new year already, let alone a new decade?? It's crazy how fast time is flying. My kids are growing faster and faster by the day and the moments keep passing by. This year as one of my New Years resolutions I am wanting to capture those fleeting moments and try out a 365. Have you heard of it? It's a challenge to take one picture a day for the whole year. I want to remember those little moments as well as work on photo skills to help improve my photography. I hope this will be a place I can post and share my growth as well as maybe give some inspiration for you to capture your own fleeting moments.

Day 1:

My daughter has been begging to build her own desk for her room. My husband is amazing and helping her build her dream.

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